Prioritizing and refocusing on the important.

Education Focused

Education is the key to unlocking the potential of future generations. However, society is straying from the schools’ main mission of educating. Too many distractions are being forced into the classroom that put an unnecessary burden on students’ opportunity to learn. I will fight to eliminate the distractions and ensure that Noblesville Schools is achieving the mission of educational excellence.

Students should have access to education that allows them to fulfill their dreams. Whether that is going to college, starting a trades career, or joining the military no student should be less prepared because a path was not provided. Too often schools’ absolute focus on sending students to college causes them to neglect the needs of students who aspire to go down a different path. That focus must change to ensure that all students are being educated to succeed no matter the path they choose.

Education must provide value to the community. Taxpayers should be proud of the results that are being achieved through the funding that they are providing. However, since 2013, Noblesville Schools have seen a steady decrease in proficiency scores for english language arts and mathematics. Less than 60% of students are proficient in these crucial areas.* Taxpayers need an advocate to ensure that their investment yields an education focused return.


Accountability should invoke transparency, integrity, and responsibility in leaders. I believe that it is the school board’s duty to be accountable to parents, students, and taxpayers.

Parents deserve transparency and a voice in their child’s education. 

Students deserve responsible leaders that are education focused and improve their ability to succeed whether they choose to go to college, start a trades career, or serve our country in the military. 

Taxpayers deserve transparency that sheds light on how their hard earned money is being spent by Noblesville Schools.

When elected, I will bring this level of accountability to all parents, students, and taxpayers. Together we can ensure that the Noblesville School Board truly meets the needs of the entire community.

Fiscally Responsible

Fiscal responsibility is a vital skill that every member of the school board should possess. The taxpayers deserve an advocate that will champion transparency throughout the budgeting process.Transparency will allow the taxpayers to have an in-depth knowledge of exactly how their hard earned money is being spent by Noblesville Schools.

The approved 2024 budget for Noblesville Schools totals $160 million in expenses. I will ensure that these expenses are thoroughly reviewed and assessed to make certain that value is being created for taxpayers, parents, and students. The approved 2024 budget was passed with a multi-million dollar deficit. While the current funds have the necessary capital to absorb a budget deficit, extra care needs to be given to ensure that the deficit is a short term issue and not a long term systemic problem.

The current referendum expires December 31, 2026, making the 2024 Noblesville School Board election vitally important to ensure that fiscal responsibility is a top priority. By electing me to the Noblesville School Board that priority will be guaranteed.

*2023 ILEARN Testing Scores