My name is David Dawson.

I am running for Noblesville School Board. When I started this journey, I knew that I wanted to make Noblesville Schools better than they already are and I am asking for you to partner with me in doing just that.

Education needs to be the overriding mission of Noblesville Schools. There are far too many distractions that keep this from happening. We need to remove these distractions so that the children can learn the core values of education. If the system has made a policy that prevents this, then the policy must be modified or removed. 

Noblesville Schools spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year that comes from the taxpayer. Do you know if that money is being stewarded properly? The current budgeting process does not allow enough time to know if it is or not. The Board approval process for budgeting needs to be lengthened to ensure that that taxpayer dollars are being spent wisely, and we need transparency in that process for the taxpayer.

For decades, public schools have focused mainly on getting students into colleges. It is time to further Noblesville Schools’ role in turning out young men and women that can earn a respectable living, whether they choose to attend college or choose a path in the trades. The infrastructure and finances must be open to all educational areas in order to achieve this challenge. 

I am running with Alison Hanley and Brad Helvey. I ask that you exercise your vote for them as well as myself. There are three open positions. We want to fill all three. With your help, we can make Noblesville Schools even better than they already are.

We need your financial contributions. We need you to knock on doors. We need you to make calls to your friends and neighbors. We need you to put a sign in your yard or on your property. We need you to host a meet and greet at your home or at your neighborhood clubhouse. 

All the help we can get is greatly appreciated! Please let us know how you can help.